Back when ancient civilisations flourished, the flow of inventions across hemispheres was pretty much two-way: gunpowder, printing and the compass came from Asia; missionaries and their bibles went in the opposite direction. 在古文明繁荣时期,南北半球发明创造的双向流动特征非常明显:火药、印刷和指南针来自亚洲;传教士与他们的圣经来自西方。
Dip some color and print it, and you can see the pretty printing on paper. 我有一双小胖手,你有树叶和橡皮,蘸点颜色印纸上,彩色印纹真美丽。
JCT makes use of syntax-directed parsing, semantic analysing and pretty printing techniques to support the translation process. JCT采用语法制导的方法,在对J73源程序作语法分析的同时,进行语义分析和程序转换,最后通过格式打印输出一个算法等价的C程序。